School /Community Partnership
Purnululu School is located in the remote Aboriginal Community of Woorreranginy. This location was known in the early days of British Settlement as “Frog Hollow Station” - the Station had a reputation of being one of the safest places for Aboriginal People in the Kimberley at a time when many atrocities were being committed against Aboriginal People in the Frontier Wars.
Frog Hollow has continued to be a place of safety and support for the Gija community. Purnululu School is committed to a safe and supportive school and a strong relationship between the school and the Gija community. Our school/community partnership agreement identifies the areas where the school and community work together for the benefit of the children and families the school serves.
You can read our agreement here: School Community Partnership
Child Safe School
In line with the National Principles for Childsafe Organisations, Purnululu School is a Childsafe Organisation.
A child safe organisation is one that creates a culture, adopts strategies and takes action to promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.
A child safe organisation consciously and systematically:
Creates an environment where children’s safety and wellbeing is at the centre of thought, values and actions.
Places emphasis on genuine engagement with and valuing of children and young people.
Creates conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people.
Creates conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying any harm.
Responds to any concerns, disclosures, allegations or suspicions of harm.
You can read more about the Principles here:National Principles for Childsafe Organisations and with specific reference to Aboriginal kids, the Keeping Our Kids Safe: Cultural Safety and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
Our school has adopted the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum which has been developed by experts in Australia. It is taught every week in every class. Our teachers have been trained in how to use this program which is culturally appropriate for Aboriginal students and designed to teach children how to keep themselves safe (including online) and how to seek help or report a concern.
Our staff and governing body members abide by a Code of Conduct and complete annual training in the reporting of child abuse, including Mandatory Reporting of child sexual abuse. We regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure student safety and welfare. We consult with students about our policies and their Student Code of Conduct which prevents bullying and harrassment, and respects their dignity and privacy.
The Director General of Education in Western Australia monitors the school’s compliance with these standards and has authority to respond to instances of non-compliance.
Parents, carers and community members should contact the school immediately on 9168 7392 or by emailing if they have concerns about the behaviour of a student, staff member or governing body member. Reports to the school are confidential and your identity will be protected when reporting a concern in good faith. Alternatively, you can contact local police or the Department for Communities to report a concern.
Click here to read more about our student safety and complaints policies.
Gija curriculum grounded on Gija country
We have developed a curriculum that is truly unique in Australia and the first of its kind in Aboriginal Education in Western Australia. The Gija community work closely with teachers to develop a rich and culturally responsive curriculum that is centred on Gija stories, language, kinship and connection to Country. Our aim is to provide the next generation of Gija children with a strong foundation in Gija language, and culture while also having the ability to participate confidently in mainstream Australian society.
Whole School Curriculum plans
Purnululu School is currently working with the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), Western Australia, to gain alternative curriculum status across all learning areas. To date we have approval from the Authority to teach alternative Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences and Arts Curricula.
Our curriculum still meets the Standards of Education across all areas, however we have applied Gija knowledge, ways of knowing and cultural protocols to the curriculum we deliver at the school. We believe this is a culturally responsive and relevant curriculum for Gija students.

Every dollar donated to Purnululu School goes to providing opportunities for the students and young people to achieve success in positive academic, vocational and community outcomes.
Get in touch
Get in touch with us! We'd love to hear from you and answer any questions about our school